A retired elderly man boards a plane from Santiago to spend his time touring parts of Europe during the summer. The man, 83 years-old, is a lawyer from Temuco, his name Alfonso Podlech. He is just another respected looking elderly man travelling and touring sites after a lifetime of successful work. But when Podlech approaches the customs window at Barajas Airport in Madrid a red alert pops up on the customs' computer. Alfonso Podlech is wanted on human rights violations.
Podlech was a Chilean Army military prosecutor accused of 1973 disappearance and killing of former priest Omar Venturelli, an Italo-Chilean national. Venturelli was part of a movement called Christians for Socialism, and he was a university professor at Temuco's Catholic University. Podlech is wanted by an Italian prosecutor on Venturelli's disappearance and killing. Podlech spent a few days under Spanish detention before being deported to Italy.
He is now under arrest in an Italian jail awaiting prosecution. Podlech is charged of the October 4, 1973,Venturelli disappearance less than a month after the September 11, 1973, Pinochet led military coup. Venturelli a retired priest, vanished soon after a visit by the notorious "Caravan on Death", that killed many former members and supporters of the overthrown Salvador Allende government throughout Chile, arrived in Temuco. Podlech is charged in Chile of participating in the killing of at least three other people. All part of the "Caravan of Death" October 1973 Temuco killing tour.
Podlech was charged after Venturelli's widow Fresia Cea Villalobos filed charges in an Italian court. Villalobos hopes justice is done to Venturelli and to all Italian nationals victims of human rights violations.
In Chile Podlech was, as of 2005, under investigation for his role during the "Caravan of Death" Temuco killings. He was also under investigation for other cases of human rights violations. Podlech beyond that investigation continued with his life as a retired respected lawyer in Temuco, and overseeing his eldest lawyer son managed his influential law firm's work in the region.
Podlech who is under arrest at an Italian jail, he was denied bail due to the risk of flight. Podlech's personal lawyer travelled to Italy to ensure he has proper legal representation and that he be freed from detention. But he will be in jail until Podlech's trial in late September or early October.
Foreign Minister Alejandro Foxley told reporters the Chilean government will give Podlech the required consular support, just like it would do with any other Chilean facing charges abroad. Podlech's family wanted the retired military prosecutor be given the same diplomatic immunity given to Agusto Pinochet during his 1998 London arrest. The government dismissed the demand.